The Barber Takes Care of the Flowers Sung by
Lyrics: Richard Watson Gilder Allie McNay
Music: Dan McNay & Dan McNay
(About their Studio in NYC)
Two people once lived in a loft
Whose names were Confucius and Kitty
And their friends with anxiety, oft,
Shook their heads and exclaimed what a pity!
And they asked them such questions as
“Can you keep dry in your loft when it showers?”
The reply to which constantly ran:
“The barber takes care of the flowers.”
Then their friends became sad and perplexed
And declared it was really alarming
But they smiled and they said, “Why, we’re next
To the moon and the stars, and it’s charming
For although when the weather is hot
We pass a few tropical hours,
The toasting is quickly forgot,
While the barber takes care of the flowers.
Though we breakfast on marmalade tea,
And dine on whatever is handy,
Keeping house is no trouble, for we
Can live nicely on lemons and candy,
Though we boast neither camel’s-hair shawls,
Nor coaches, nor turrets, not towers,
‘Neath our loft are five beautiful stalls,
And the barber takes care of the flowers.
(Originally published in Scribner’s Magazine 1874)